I made this comic some weeks ago for an online meeting of anticapitalist independent video-game developers and friends.
Hezkuntzaren hiria
FEVAS Plena inclusión Euskadi erakunderako kolaborazio berri bat egin nuen: “Egin bat erronkarekin” bildumarren ale berri bat ilustratu eta maketatu: FAMILIA-ESKOLA LANKIDETZA
Hauxe bilduma honen laugarren zenbakia da. Liburuxka hauek euskaraz eta gazteleraz daude, PDF formatuan, hemen deskargagarri:
FAMILIA-ESKOLA LANKIDETZA liburuxka ilustrazioz beterik dago. Gaur “horrialde bikoitz” hau erakutsi nahi dut, bereziki pozik nagoelako emaitzarekin.
Adimen- edo garapen-desgaitasuna duten irakaskuntzaren hiria irudikatu nahi genuen. Ideia zera da, aldaketa behar dela gizartean, eta hezkuntza zentroak izan daitezke aldaketa honen eragileak. Ikastetxeek argia botatzen dute, itsasargiak izango balira moduan.
Eskerrik asko eta hurrengo arte!
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Visual guides
Illustrating is my favourite job, but I can also do the designing of guides, as these ones for Elhuyar foundation. The graphic design focuses on visual content so it can be more attractive to youngsters. Educational, publicity or corporational.
Animation backgrounds
These animation backgrounds were drawn for “Sinfokids”, a tv programme for the Basque Tv. Over the backgrounds they put some actors and animations. Educational purposes.
Sometimes I make some caricatures for friends. They are cool to make a present, as a gift!
Taller de Futuro
Drawn by hand while the event took place, this workshop with migrants in Getxo (Basque Country) focused on the rol and social status of their sons and doughters born in Spain.
Thank you very much!
These illustrations were produced for an English and Basque language academy called BAI & BAY. They were displayed on a big screen during a public event that took place in Bilbao.
Visual Thinking videos
I made these videos “with the hand drawing” so they can catch attention from public. This is an explanation video for a small foundation that takes care of people with mental illnesses. Illustrations are made before, and then we apply an animation software for the “drawing-hand” fx, the voices and music.
I created more than a hundred comic strips for a local newspaper. The idea was to mix Basque mythology with pop culture monsters like zombies, vampires… and invented some “Netflix-like” stories.
Power Point illustrations
Simple illustrations for a very visual Power Point focused on youngsters.
Institutional Client: Youth Area of the Biscay Provincial Council.
Corporative poster
A Basque Agency asked me to illustrate a poster with their mision, vision and strategic lines, using marine imaginery. Also, they wanted some variations and modular pics for comunicational purposes.